Global Worming is a licensed, award winning business located at the heart of the beautiful hamlet of De Winton in southern Alberta. We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to be able to live in the wide open country while so close to the big city.

I am a certified landscape gardeners graduated from Olds College. After many years of happy life living in Calgary, in 2012 we moved out of the city with big dreams of organic gardens, fresh eggs, honey bees, fruit trees, ponds and open fields for children to play etc...but I never planned for the worms...

We accidently stumbled upon the subject of worm farming because we tried to practice self sufficient living. We initially raised red worms as a high protein treat for our chicken to lay through winters, but as we researched the subject of worm farming, we became totally fascinated by these wriggly creatures and decided to start our own worm farm and promote vermicomposting.

We believe that the potential of worm farming has only just begun to be recognized. In the years ahead, more and more people around the world will see the huge benefits of vermicomposting, and will implement it.